We have our Father’s Day Celebration on June 15, 2014 with 9 fathers only. There were some fathers absent during the time.
It was great because the children and some who have grandchildren gave honors to them. Even the wives or mothers present in the service have given words of appreciation to their husbands as fathers of their children.
I’ve given a message taken from the book of Exodus chapter 20:12;
Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.I did emphasize that fathers should be respected, and they must also hear some appreciations from the members of the family to encourage them to do their responsibility.
I let the members of our church to pray for their fathers if they still have, because it is not hard for the whole family to serve God if the leader is the father.
We see the reality that the members of most Christian churches are mostly mothers or women and children. Even our church members third part are women.
The Blessings For the Children Through The Father
1. God used fathers as Channels of Blessings
The first reason why we should honor our parents especially fathers is that they are the channels of blessings used by God for the children. If the father will release blessings and cursing it will happen in the lives of the children. God honors of what they released.
One example in the Bible is Jacob who released blessings to his children and even to his grandchildren, and what he released it happened. To the children who still have a father, please honor your father if you want to live in your days with blessings.
It is not hard for the father to release his blessing if we give him honor. And, it is important to get our fathers’ attention, so that in return they will bless us. One way to get their attention is to honor them, to give them a memorable event and value them.
2. There is a promise of long Life
The second reason why we should honor our father is that there is a promise of long life. Parents are God’s channel of blessings for long life. It is God who declares it that is why we must see to it that we need the blessing from our fathers.
God will give a long life, but that depends between the relationship of the children and parents. If there is a relationship that we must take in our life, it is our relationship with our parents. Oh yes, we must have a relationship with God, but it will be affected when our relationship between our parents is not good.
3. The blessing of the days to live on.
Third reason, I do not want to live in the span of my life without a blessing. The blessing of the days to live on is not the same blessing with long life. These two must go together the blessing of the days and the blessing of long life.
So, we see there is a blessing of the days to live on. All of us have days to live on. What kind of life we live during those days? Would it be a life of blessing or a life of cursing? The blessings of the days and the blessings of long life depends on our parents and how we treat them.
No one would want a long life without the blessings in the span of life. But it has proven of what happened in the lives of many people, there are many people under cursed in the span of their lives.
But We can avoid this kind of life if we have the blessing from our fathers.
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