Today is Sunday, we thank God for each day especially Sunday which all the believers of the gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ would gather together in one place for fellowship, praise and worship and learning to the preaching of the precious Word of God.
After our Sunday worship we went to one of our brethren who dedicated their Isuzu Forward Truck with thanksgiving celebration, we have our lunch fellowship with some of the members who were with us. And in the afternoon, our neighbors who are our church sympathizers have brought their new motorcycle for a blessing and dedication, and again we were invited for dinner.
How To Be An Expert Living a Godly Life
We have a very wonderful message in our Sunday Service taken from the word of God in the book of Joshua which I titled the message "Be an expert to live a godly life." This is what God wants us to live, expert in godliness. There are those who are expert in doing something in life.
Joshua 1:8 "This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth; but thou shalt meditate therein day and night, that thou mayest observe to do according to all that is written therein: for then thou shalt make thy way prosperous, and then thou shalt have good success." KJV
In our text, God wants that his people will become prosperous and to have good success. But there is the condition. And the condition is we must follow his ways or "... all that is written therein:.." - in the book of the law. God's ways are found in His word the Bible or the book of the law.
God's ways will lead us to have good success and prosperous life.
A doctor who is an expert would have many patients, of course he could have earn a lot of money. An engineer who is an expert would have many opportunities of constructions and eventually will make a lot of money. To become expert would have a lot of practice or doing his job. An expert, has never become expert doing nothing.
This principle will apply to what God has designed for his people.
The same way, that when we live according to what God has instructed us in His word day by day we will become expert. There and then, the promise of blessings will be fulfilled. Becoming and expert is worth rewarding. There is no regret when we will follow God's leading in our lives because he will reward us with his blessings.
Following God will make you Godly
Godly life means, following God's ways. This is called godly living or godly life. When we follow God day after day we are becoming experts to live godly.
And do you know what Apostle Paul said? He said in 1 Timothy 4:8 "For bodily exercise profiteth little: but godliness is profitable unto all things, having promise of the life that now is, and of that which is to come." KJV
Living godly is compared to bodily exercise that has a physical benefit in the sense that you can benefit in doing so, but bodily exercise is less than compared to godly life, because godly living brings much benefits unto all things.
To have a physical benefit from bodily exercise it should be a continues daily habit. You cannot have a physical benefit from a one time exercise in one month or a year. It is the same way with godly living, we need to have a daily habit pertaining to what God has told us to do.
In our text in Joshua it says day and night we are to meditate the word of God. This is one of the exercises that we must have to do. As well as praying or talking with God as we are commanded in 1 Thessalonians 5:17 "pray continually;... " NIV
When we read and meditate the word of God, it is His way of talking to us and when we pray, we are talking with him. God wants us to do these two-way of communication. Because this cannot be separated in a relationship between two that love each other.
This book of the law shall not depart out of thy mouth
There are many more things that God is saying about godly living. One is our mouth, the way we speak or talk, the way we sing and the way how we response to what we heard. Our mouth is compared as a match that can fire up even the biggest forest in the world.
Our mouth which our tongues reside is the most dangerous part in our body if we are not careful how to use it. There comes the blessings and cursing. As James said, "Out of the same mouth proceedeth blessing and cursing. My brethren, these things ought not so to be." James 3:10 KJV
We must use our mouth in a godly way, in singing we need to sing the songs of praises to God with thanksgiving. Many people do not know how to sing spiritual songs but they are good in singing with worldly songs. To live godly is not that way. We are commanded in the Bible many times to sing songs of praises unto God
Before when I was not a believer of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, I didn't sing songs of praises to God. I never knew one song for God. Simply it is because I was not living a godly life. I did many things that contradict to godly living the whole of my life. Why? Because generally, I have no word of God in my heart, I didn't read the word of God simply because I didn't have it in my hands.
It was in 1984 that I came to know the Lord Jesus Christ through the gospel presented to me, that I have accepted and believed. There and then, I have a new relationship that I have never had before, and then that's the time that I knew how to pray or talk to God and sing new songs.
One of my cousins who was a believer of the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, gave me a bible the word of God, that I have read and learned many things about God and of what he said.
How wonderful such a time like that, that one person came to know the Lord Jesus Christ and has started to live a godly life. I never have regretted that I become such a new person that lives a godly living. I was and am blessed with good success and prosperous life. glory to God in the highest.
Yah! That's me, you too can live godly life if you do what God has instructed us to do in a daily basis like bodily exercises.
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