Originally written by Pastor Alberto Rendon
Everyone longs happiness in life. To be happy is a behavior of feeling well.More likely many people think that feeling well is based on two major situations in life, good health and abundant wealth.
But average people are not happy because they have no good health even if they have all the wealth. And some other people are not happy because they have no abundant wealth even if they have all the good health.
This shows that true happiness is not based on wealth and health.
Oh! Maybe someone would argue, I must have the two - good health and abundant wealth to be happy.
Yes it is true that there are some who have good health and abundant wealth, but still they have the feeling of being not satisfied. No contentment, they still have the feeling of lack. Eventually, no true happiness.
These two things that most people are achieving in the whole of their lives missed the most important thing in life, which is the love of God that brings true happiness.
The Love of God, which is agape that if without it in our life we missed the true happiness. I have learned the five kinds of love that bring two kinds of happiness - true happiness and temporary happiness.
I am talking here about the secret to true happiness which everyone will ever need in searching the real meaning of life.
Before revealing the secret. Allow me first to introduce the five kinds of love that bring happiness to all that pursued them.
1. Storge Love - Storge love is an affectionate love, the type of love that every member in the family expresses to one another.
2. Eros Love - Eros is the love between opposite sex - husband and wife or boyfriend and girlfriend relationship.
3. Phileo Love - A relational love towards individuals. It sometimes refers in the church as brotherly love.
4. Kosmos Love - A love of the things in the world, which the Bible says, do not love the things in the world that includes the love of money, which is the root of all evil.
All this kinds of love is conditional that if its condition is not met it cannot express or demonstrate happiness, but when it is met happiness is produced, but just temporary happiness because it only depends on its condition.
Most people, happiness is based on satisfaction on either of the four kinds of love, with this motivation will absolutely lead to failure because, actually no one is being satisfied in life with worldly things.
The Secret To True Happiness is the AGAPE Love
Agape love must be on top of the four kinds of love, we see that there are five kinds of love.
Agape love is the Love of God for us and in response we love God which also considers agape love. It is a relational love between God and His Children.
This kind of love is unconditional. It expresses without condition, this is what God has in sending His Son as Romans 5:8;
But God demonstrates His own love (agape) toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Now let me show you what is true happiness that I meant?
Agape Love Is The Secret To True Happiness.
True happiness is what termed in the Bible as JOY.
This is one of the fruit of the Spirit found in Galatians 5:22.
And in Romans 5:5 "... the love of God has been poured out within our hearts through the Holy Spirit who was given to us."
If the Holy Spirit is in us, he brings joy (true happiness) and it is only received by faith in the Lord Jesus Christ.
Jesus Christ Has Come To Give Us Abundant Life
Unsatisfaction, sorrow, sadness, loneliness, anxiety, stress and depression are the results of the works of the devil.
These are the opposite of Happiness.
The Bible says Jesus Christ has come to give us abundant life (John 10:10), to set the captives free (Luke 4:18, to destroy the works of the devil (1 John 3:8).
The true happiness is the result of Agape love which brought to us by the Holy Spirit as having the faith in Jesus Christ. Ultimately, Jesus is the answer to all the problems of men.
Believe the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, and He will give you the Holy Spirit, to reside in your life that brings true happiness (joy), even when you are in the midst of trouble.
True happiness doesn't depend on circumstances, but it depends on how you allow the fruit of the spirit to
express itself in the two real situations - Health and Wealth.
So Agape Love Is The Secret To True Happiness.
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