It was very successful and enjoyable. There was almost 200 registered Young People not included the Pastors and some visitors.
The youth enjoyed and having fun with lectures in the morning, bible games and ball games in the afternoon, evangelistic services and singing contest during the nights and having devotional at dawns.
I was one of the speakers during the nights. I preached on Thursday May 22, and I emphasized about the power of God for salvation, and the power of God to manifest in the lives of the believers with signs and wonders, that the youth could be used of God with His power in these last days.
Enlightened Youth; The Road To Salvation
Enlightened Youth; The Road To Salvation was the theme voted by the Youth Officers for that occasion. Youth must be enlightened first before he can get saved. Without enlightenment no one is saved.
Enlightened to what? Enlightened, or awakened and or having a clear understanding that everyone is a sinner and is bound for damnation. Awakened or enlightened that you cannot save yourself and no one can save you except the only savior Jesus Christ.
I also emphasized, that after you have been awakened. You must accept Jesus Christ as your savior and your sins will be forgiven and you will receive new life.
Then, after you are forgiven and having the new life in you. God can use you with His power so that you will become His instrument to manifest His wonderful and marvelous working power.
I wanted the youth to understand that God is looking now a days a person that He can use to manifest His power with signs and wonders.
I said, it is seldom we can find today about the power of God working with signs and wonders in the lives of the believers of Jesus Christ. And Why? Because the believers are lack of proper teaching of the word of God. But the Bible says;
These signs will accompany those who have believed: in My name they will cast out demons, they will speak with new tongues; they will pick up serpents, and if they drink any deadly poison, it will not hurt them; they will lay hands on the sick, and they will recover. Mark 16:17-18
I Experienced God’s Power
I have the boldness to say that God’s power is still working today. Because I once was healed from high fever instantly.
I was in the Bible School that time. It was in my senior year. I was not able to attend the class for I have a very high fever and I felt very, very cold that time. I put myself under a double blanket on my bed but still I felt so cold.
In the recess time, our Teacher together with my classmates came to my room to pray for me. Before prayer and rebuking the spirit of sickness they sung a song “In the name of Jesus, In the name of Jesus we have the victory…”
After the song they laid hands on me and pray, then I started to feel warm, then later to sweat started to come out of my head and over all my body. I was healed completely.

In the afternoon there was a Bible Study held next to his village. There attended a woman who has a kidney trouble, I was told to lead the Bible Study.
After the Bible Study I felt to pray for those who need healing.
A woman that looks sickly came forward for prayer. We laid hands on her and ask God to use us for her healing. Then I rebuke the spirit of kidney trouble to go away. After we prayed, the woman looks happy and said she felt no more pain anymore.
The best thing happened, she was healed and ate banana at our snack after the Bible Study. In fact, she did not eat 3 meals already because of the pain she felt in her stomach.
One more thing is, she and her husband got converted. But during the Bible Study that afternoon, her husband was out of the village looking some amount of money so that he could bring his wife to the hospital.
But when he got home, he found out that his wife was already healed and the wife told him the whole story.
Next Sunday together with their children came to the Church for Sunday worship and later on, that husband became a Pastor.
I have many experiences to tell about God’s miracle working power. If God will give me more time I will be sharing them here. But for the moment. I wanted that the Church nowadays will have that power for the purpose of conversion of many unsaved people. This is what I preached during the Youth Camp.
Many could say, 1 miracle compares a thousand sermons. I do really believe that. But the question is how that miracle working power of God manifests?
Commitment Is The Starting Point
At the end of my preaching, I challenged the youth for commitment to come to the altar for prayer. Most Young People came forward. But before that, I let them understand that there is a price to pay for God’s power to work with us.
Number one is obedience. If we are only obedience to God, he can use us mightily. The condition for signs and wonders is going to preach the gospel. Obey to go, this is what the churches today have missed up. No going to preach, means no preaching and no preaching equals no miracles.
When the church or individual believer lacks on this important calling of God to GO! Nothing could be happened like before. I could have written many pages about the pasts especially in the year 1980′s when I first got converted, that proves that God is still working with his power today. But the problem… whom He can use for?
I thank God for the young people that came forward to commit their lives during the youth camp to be used of God. I prayed that God will once again do signs and wonders through these young people and even with all the churches in these last days.
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